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Sacred Saturdays ~ Your Dance Temple

Sacred Saturdays ~ Your Dance Temple


An Ecstatic Dance and Embodied Meditative Flow Experience

  • Come home to your heart

  • Allow spirit to move through you

  • Balance movement and stillness

  • Awaken your life force and connect with your inner strength

  • Practice deep curiosity about yourself and the world around you

Created by Charlotte Fortune aka DJ Fiery Fortuna of Heart Tapestry Dance as a heartfelt expression of her passion to connect people through the vibrant healing power of music and dance.

She shares the following three principles in her events:-

  • Connection

  • Expression

  • Freedom

Ecstatic Dance is an embodied movement exploration, a freeform flowing dance and moving meditation. Connect to yourself to create authentic connections with others. Connecting to our bodies with movement, breath, sound & touch. This is a dance to celebrate yourself.

Everyone is equally responsible for upholding the sacred space – be in your highest integrity in the space and respect ahimsa – yogic principle of non-harming, non-violence to yourself and others. Please be mindful of safety in the space.

  • Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated (& perhaps a small towel).

  • This is a drug, alcohol and smoke free event.

  • Wear comfortable clothes so you can move freely.

  • Dance barefoot or with socks, helping you to ground the body’s energy system.

  • Honour how your body feels & rest when you need to.

  • No talking on the dancefloor but feel free to express & release sounds in the dance. We communicate with our eyes, body and soul rather than words during the dance.

  • No cameras or phones (Heart Tapestry Dance may take some photos and videos before & after the dance).

  • Have fun, be curious & playful!

  • This is a place to express yourself freely through movement, sound & stillness.

You may like to bring a notebook to set intentions before dancing & for journaling after the dance.

When: Saturdays kl 18-20

Where: Yoga Kendra, Friisgatan 6C, Triangeln, Malmö

Investment: 200SEK
Pay via SWISH or cash when you come but please book the class via Yoga Kendra website
No previous experience required.

Click on image for facebook event link!

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Sagittarius Super Full Moon Ceremonial Dance ~ Tuesday 14th June 2022 ~ Brygga Tio (10), Malmö

Sagittarius Super Full Moon Ceremonial Dance ~ Tuesday 14th June 2022 ~ Brygga Tio (10), Malmö

June 14, 2022, brings a Super Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Super Full Moons occur when the Moon is nice and close to Earth, allowing us to see it big and bright in the sky. Super Full Moons always affect us a little more strongly than a regular Full Moon, but seeing as last month brought a Blood Moon Eclipse, June’s Full Moon will definitely not feel as intense!

Full Moons always help to draw things out of us. They are considered a power time in the month to complete projects, detoxify, and do away with things that no longer serve our highest growth or highest good. ~ Forever Conscious

AbunDANCE CommUNITY brings you a special FULL MOON Ceremonial DANCE event. We will gather around the fire close to the Beach at Brygga tio and set intentions for this full moon season.

We begin at 18:00 so please arrive in plenty of time, bring water to drink and warm clothes (just in case!) it's windy by the sea!

Bring a piece of paper & pen to write what you want to let go of this full moon and we will release this to the fire.

We will call in the energy of Sagittarius, the Archer, to take us through an Ecstatic Dance Journey guided by DJ Fiery Fortuna (Ecstatic Dance Facilitator).

Sagittarius is the adventurer, it is the seeker of wisdom, the student of life that is forever rising to the challenge to keep on learning.

Under this Full Moon, if you are feeling the fogginess or any heaviness, give yourself permission to leave it to the side. Instead, connect with the Saggitarian vibrations to keep a sense of wonderment about you, and to remember that life is really an adventure.

Some chapters of the adventure can be harder than others, but everything is an experience, and we don’t have to take things so seriously all the time.

Sagittarian energy reminds us that it’s important to find our joy, make time for play, find our presence in each moment, and seek the lightness in all that life can bring.

This is a FREE event but if you feel the calling please bring some wood for the fire, sparklers or other festive glittery items or anything you wish to burn in the fire.

Click on photo to redirect to event link on facebook :-)

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Cacao Ceremony & Ecstatic Dance ~ Sunday 15th May 2022 Natha Yoga Karlskrona

Cacao Ceremony & Ecstatic Dance ~ Sunday 15th May 2022 Natha Yoga Karlskrona

Pamper yourself with an uplifting event!

Hot chocolate that you have never experienced before - as a healing agent you enjoy in a group, to create community, and to become clearer about what is really important to your Heart.

In the ceremony, there is a chance to reconnect with the wisdom of your Heart, to have the intention of letting go of the old and bringing in new, better ways of being. In this warm-hearted space you are cared for and you will experience an increased feeling of open heart and connection to the holiness in everything that surrounds you.

What happens during a ceremony? The format is very flexible, which allows us to connect to everything that is really alive and respond to it, rather than imposing structures from the mind.

The ceremony includes:

  • Intention setting

  • Meditation

  • Live music

  • Ecstatic Dance with DJ Fiery Fortuna

  • Angel walk

  • Invocation of the healing spirit of cacao

    Registration is required: yoga@natha.se

Click on image to be directed to the facebook event :-)

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Dance by the Sea ~ Saturday 14th May 2022 ~ Scaniabadet, Malmö

Dance by the Sea ~ Saturday 14th May 2022 ~ Scaniabadet, Malmö

Inspired by Fri Morgendans in CPH run by Rikke Libak, I would like to bring morning dance to Malmö in a beautiful open, spacious spot by the sea, where we can dance with the elements all around us.

We meet on the wooden decking at Scaniabadet, Västra Hamnen - there are toilets close by and there is also the chance to take a sea dip while you are there.

We will start just after 9:45am and dance for around one hour so please arrive on time.

I will be guiding you through the dance but allowing a lot of freedom and space for your own exploration and expression.

Come dressed in comfortable clothes to move and layers to keep warm and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated and you may even need a hat and suncream if we are lucky!

Bus Number 2 takes you to Malmö Scaniabadet and then you take a short walk over the grass by the trees to find us by the water.

Investment: 100-150SEK sliding scale CASH or PAYPAL username: @hearttapestry
Message me directly if you have any questions.
This is the direct link:-

Click on image to be directed to the facebook event :-)

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Dance by the Sea ~ Saturday 7th May 2022 ~ Scaniabadet, Malmö

Dance by the Sea ~ Saturday 7th May 2022 ~ Scaniabadet, Malmö

Inspired by Fri Morgendans in CPH run by Rikke Libak, I would like to bring morning dance to Malmö in a beautiful open, spacious spot by the sea, where we can dance with the elements all around us.

We meet on the wooden decking at Scaniabadet, Västra Hamnen - there are toilets close by and there is also the chance to take a sea dip while you are there.

We will start just after 9:45am and dance for around one hour so please arrive on time.

I will be guiding you through the dance but allowing a lot of freedom and space for your own exploration and expression.

Come dressed in comfortable clothes to move and layers to keep warm and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated and you may even need a hat and suncream if we are lucky!

Bus Number 2 takes you to Malmö Scaniabadet and then you take a short walk over the grass by the trees to find us by the water.

Investment: 100-150SEK sliding scale CASH or PAYPAL @hearttapestry
Message me directly if you have any questions.

For more information about Ecstatic Dance please check out my website: www.hearttapestry.dance

Click on photo to be directed to facebook event link!

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World Dance Day ~ Friday 29th April 2022 ~ Ecstatic Dance/frigörande dans Malmö, Sweden

World Dance Day ~ Friday 29th April 2022 ~ Ecstatic Dance/frigörande dans Malmö, Sweden

Friday 29th April is World Dance Day so I am inspired to make an event to start the day dancing and dance as much as we can throughout the day and generally in our lives.

I am also inspired by Fri Morgendans in Copenhagen run by Rikke Libak and would like to bring morning dance to Malmö in a beautiful open, spacious spot by the sea, where we can dance with the elements all around us.

We meet on the wooden decking at Scaniabadet, Västra Hamnen - there are toilets close by and there is also the chance to take a sea dip while you are there

We will start just after 9am so please arrive on time.

I will be guiding you through the dance but allowing a lot of freedom and space for your own exploration and expression.

Come dressed in comfortable clothes to move and layers to keep warm and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated and you may even need a hat and suncream if we are lucky!

Bus Number 2 takes you to Malmö Scaniabadet and then you take a short walk over the grass by the trees to find us by the water.

Investment: 100-150SEK sliding scale CASH or PAYPAL @hearttapestry
Message me directly if you have any questions.

Click on image to be directed to the facebook event :-)

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