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Take Your Passion & Make It Happen Dance ~ 7 January 2023 ~ Yoga Kendra, Malmö

If not now, then when?

What would you like to manifest in 2023?

Take YOUR Passion and MAKE It Happen!!

What if you could have it all?!

An Ecstatic Dance and Embodied Meditative Flow Experience

  • Come home to your heart

  • Allow spirit to move through you

  • Balance movement and stillness

  • Awaken your life force and connect with your inner strength

  • Enjoy the benefits of moving your body & being aware of your breath

Created by Charlotte Fortune aka DJ Fiery Fortuna of Heart Tapestry Dance as a heartfelt expression of her passion to connect people through the vibrant healing power of music and dance.
She shares the following three principles in her events:-
* Connection
* Expression
* Freedom

Ecstatic Dance is an embodied movement practice, a freeform flowing dance and moving meditation. Connect to yourself to create authentic connections with others. Connecting to our bodies with movement, breath, sound & touch. This is a dance to celebrate yourself.

Everyone is equally responsible for upholding the sacred space – be in your highest integrity in the space and respect ahimsa – yogic principle of non-harming, non-violence to yourself and others. Please be mindful of safety in the space.

  • Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated (& perhaps a small towel).

  • This is a drug, alcohol and smoke free event.

  • Wear comfortable clothes so you can move freely.

  • Dance barefoot or with socks, helping you to ground the body’s energy system.

  • Honour how your body feels & rest when you need to.

  • No talking on the dancefloor but feel free to express & release sounds in the dance. We communicate with our eyes, body and soul rather than words during the dance.

  • No cameras or phones (Heart Tapestry Dance may take some photos and videos before & after the dance).

  • Have fun, be curious & playful!

  • This is a place to express yourself freely through movement, sound & stillness.

You may like to bring a notebook to set intentions before dancing & for journaling during/after the dance.

When: Saturday kl 18-20
Where: Yoga Kendra, Friisgatan 6C, Triangeln, Malmö
Investment: 200SEK
Students: 100SEK
Pay via SWISH or cash when you come but please book the class via Yoga Kendra website (
No previous experience required.

Click on image to re-direct to facebook event :-)

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Sacred Saturdays ~ Your Dance Temple

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Release Your Radiance Dance & Healing Workshop ~ 21 January 2023, Yoga Kendra, Malmö