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Sagittarius Super Full Moon Ceremonial Dance ~ Tuesday 14th June 2022 ~ Brygga Tio (10), Malmö

June 14, 2022, brings a Super Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Super Full Moons occur when the Moon is nice and close to Earth, allowing us to see it big and bright in the sky. Super Full Moons always affect us a little more strongly than a regular Full Moon, but seeing as last month brought a Blood Moon Eclipse, June’s Full Moon will definitely not feel as intense!

Full Moons always help to draw things out of us. They are considered a power time in the month to complete projects, detoxify, and do away with things that no longer serve our highest growth or highest good. ~ Forever Conscious

AbunDANCE CommUNITY brings you a special FULL MOON Ceremonial DANCE event. We will gather around the fire close to the Beach at Brygga tio and set intentions for this full moon season.

We begin at 18:00 so please arrive in plenty of time, bring water to drink and warm clothes (just in case!) it's windy by the sea!

Bring a piece of paper & pen to write what you want to let go of this full moon and we will release this to the fire.

We will call in the energy of Sagittarius, the Archer, to take us through an Ecstatic Dance Journey guided by DJ Fiery Fortuna (Ecstatic Dance Facilitator).

Sagittarius is the adventurer, it is the seeker of wisdom, the student of life that is forever rising to the challenge to keep on learning.

Under this Full Moon, if you are feeling the fogginess or any heaviness, give yourself permission to leave it to the side. Instead, connect with the Saggitarian vibrations to keep a sense of wonderment about you, and to remember that life is really an adventure.

Some chapters of the adventure can be harder than others, but everything is an experience, and we don’t have to take things so seriously all the time.

Sagittarian energy reminds us that it’s important to find our joy, make time for play, find our presence in each moment, and seek the lightness in all that life can bring.

This is a FREE event but if you feel the calling please bring some wood for the fire, sparklers or other festive glittery items or anything you wish to burn in the fire.

Click on photo to redirect to event link on facebook :-)

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